Residential & Commercial Electrical Services in Anderson, SC and the Surrounding Area.

With 25+ Years of Experience, We’ve Got Some Bright Ideas to Share!

In addition to heating and cooling services, Frog Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC provides commercial and residential electrical services in Anderson and the surrounding areas in South Carolina. If you’re dealing with an electrical problem, you can count on us to identify and fix the issue quickly.

Call (864) 860-3764 today to schedule HVAC or electrical services.

bigstock 206598409Don’t risk injury or property damage

When it comes to electrical problems, it’s always best to call a professional for troubleshooting and repair services. Schedule residential electrical services from our team today so you can:

  • Save time– when you call a pro, you won’t have to waste time trying to identify the problem yourself
  • Save money– we’ll fix the issue the first time so you won’t have to pay for a second round of repairs
  • Avoid injury– without the right knowledge and equipment, you could be in for a serious shock

DIY electrical projects can be costly and dangerous. Save yourself the trouble by contacting our HVAC and electrical company today.